Gordon 14th January 2019

I'm late to this party, having just got word in CA of Marjorie's passing. I never knew her as well as I do now, having absorbed 100 encomiums! A life well-lived! I first met her in 1983 when she joined the Manhattan CSMonitor office as, I believe, assistant to the Book Review editor. I was in national ad sales. Others have noted her slightly formal bearing, which was fun to test because, being so gifted intellectually, she Got All the Jokes some of us rubes on the non-writing side of CSM might offer. Happiest news I ever heard about her was the John K matchup. My late wife and I were avid and successful matchmakers in Manhattan, but M was destined for J, clearly. For those curious about M's whereabouts, there is a fascinating purple-prosed Eddy poem with which only a few CSers seem familiar. If you can parse it, Mis. 385:9 is very convincing. (If you'd like a short plain-English translation, PM me via Facebook, Gordon Imrie.)