Dave 23rd March 2019

Some people, by expressing great goodness -- often without even sharing their own ideas about what is good -- inspire others to more fully express their own great goodness. A wonderful example of this would be Marjorie. All these beautiful comments people have shared about this dear one are a refresher about what we've all learned from her. I met Marjorie at college. Didn't know her well at that time, but I was good friends with her brother, who was a wonderful young man. Scott was in my dorm. When she moved to Boston I got to know her through the beautiful remarks she would make at church meetings. And by having the privilege of submitting book reviews to her. Her emails with regard to my work for her always were supremely thoughtful, appreciative, and, moreover, compassionately pragmatic. It seemed like she was operating at a higher level of understanding about what makes sense and what is worth caring about, and what is wise. I'm keeping those editor-to-writer emails! It's hard to know what our experience will be after moving on from this human experience. But I am convinced, due to profoundly vivid and inspiring experiences my close family and I have had, that it will be good, and that we will be blessed with a much better understanding of God's love for all of us. And I hope we get to see again our precious friends like Marjorie, who now is experiencing all this! -- Dave