Maggie 14th January 2019

Marjorie has been precious to me, especially recently. I read how she encouraged young journalists. Well, she encouraged an old one, too. I left the Monitor in 1987 to raise my children and didn't come back much until Marjorie invited me to join the fiction reading team. What a great team to be on, and what an endearing coach Marjorie was! She patiently read long emails about why something wasn't appropriate, answered wittily, and would even patiently answer a further, second-guessing email. Her "north star" was what the Monitor stands for and what is best for readers. Her emails were full of grace: chatty, friendly, and kind but economical. I know from Owen that she probably had very little time to be so generous and thoughtful. I think she's my favorite editor of all time. Mrs. Eddy once said that her cocoa was favored above others' because she stirred more love into it. That's what Marjorie did, and still does, I just know.